
How to Reach That GOAL You have been PROCRASTINATING FOR YEARS With A Simple Seven Week Approach

How to Reach That GOAL you have been PROCRASTINATING FOR YEARS With A Simple Seven Week Approach [Amazon Kindle]

A few years ago I found myself in a mental state where I wanted to move forward and accomplish something, but I couldn’t. I didn’t really know what it was. I didn’t know why but I always had the feeling that there was something that other people knew regarding how to move forward that I lacked myself.

I had the sense that there was something unknown that held me back both in my professional and personal life. Is this a feeling you can relate to?

I knew that I had to try something radical in order to solve this frustration, and I therefore made the decision to spend my next few years in Latin America, where I interacted with entrepreneurs, business leaders, expats and travelers from all across the world.

These were both local people and people who had come from afar to set up their projects in the local environment, or who had built an online business which enabled them to work from anywhere they wanted and travel at the same time. I got immediately fascinated and learned how to draw from their knowledge and apply their methods in my own life.

When I came back I met other people who were in the same situation I had been before. It felt kind of odd, because I saw them as an earlier version of myself. I used to ask them what frustrated them the most and it was always different versions of the same answer:

  • “I feel that I am stuck and not able to move on to the next level.”
  • “I want to finish my studies but I have not been able to.”
  • “There is this project that I have been thinking of but I don’t know how to go about it.”
  • “There is this new thing that I want to try but I am concerned what my friends and/or family will say.”
  • “I feel frustrated that I am not able to meet the expectations of people around me.”
  • “I feel frustrated that I am not able to meet my own expectations.”
  • “I really want to achieve that which I am thinking of all day, but I seem to never be able to get to it and I end up doing the same thing each day.”

There seemed to be a common denominator between all these phrases which people told me, and I knew that my previous experiences could give value to these people. In my book How to Reach That GOAL you have been PROCRASTINATING FOR YEARS With A Simple Seven Week Approach I bring up topics such as:

  • The one phrase that you need to have in your head always in order to force your mind to stay focused.
  • Why and how to surround yourself with people who already are on that next level which you seek yourself, in order for you to learn from and be influenced by these valuable people.
  • How the brain is structured from a practical viewpoint and how your underlying emotions block you from taking action. And most importantly, how to change it for the better!
  • How you can get rid of distractions in order to have more peace of mind to get things done.
  • Daily meditation practices.
  • How your habits influence your day to day activities and how you can take control over them and make them work in your favor.

How to Reach That GOAL you have been PROCRASTINATING FOR YEARS With A Simple Seven Week Approach is a 40 page book with PRACTICAL IDEAS that you can START USING RIGHT AWAY. The methods are developed based on my own real experiences regarding how I overcame this frustration. A frustration which the majority of the people I talked to were suffering from. Chances are you feel the same way? It is available on Amazon Kindle and you can start to read it within minutes. Click here to get it.